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Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Voice of God Recordings
Voice of God Recordings
Voice Of God Recordings <vogr@branham.org> Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 8:17 PM
To: jayam14051980@gmail.com
Dear Brother Jayam,
Greetings in Jesus Christ precious and wonderful Name!
We wish to thank you for writing to us with your request and with your details of the needs for Message materials in your area. We are happy to inform you, Brother Jayam, that our translation and printing operations have stepped up considerably at our Voice Of God Recordings regional office in Chennai in the last year. We are printing on average 3-4 Message books a month at the Chennai office and monthly mailings has increased considerably. It would be an honor for us to supply you and your ministry with as many Message materials as you would have need of. We invite you to contact Brother Joel Paramanandam at the Chennai VGR office so as to detail your Message needs and provide him with your shipping address.
The contact information for the Chennai office is as follows:
Voice Of God Recordings, Inc.
India Office
19 (New No. 28) Shenoy Road
Nungambakkam, Chennai 600 034
South India
Tel: (44) 2 8274560, Fax: (44) 2 8256970
E Mail: india@vgroffice.org
Please remember us in your prayers as we will be praying for you. May the Lord Jesus ever keep you and guide you in His perfect will.
Your Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
India Missionary Department
Voice Of God Recordings
Voice Of God Recordings <vogr@branham.org> Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 8:17 PM
To: jayam14051980@gmail.com
Dear Brother Jayam,
Greetings in Jesus Christ precious and wonderful Name!
We wish to thank you for writing to us with your request and with your details of the needs for Message materials in your area. We are happy to inform you, Brother Jayam, that our translation and printing operations have stepped up considerably at our Voice Of God Recordings regional office in Chennai in the last year. We are printing on average 3-4 Message books a month at the Chennai office and monthly mailings has increased considerably. It would be an honor for us to supply you and your ministry with as many Message materials as you would have need of. We invite you to contact Brother Joel Paramanandam at the Chennai VGR office so as to detail your Message needs and provide him with your shipping address.
The contact information for the Chennai office is as follows:
Voice Of God Recordings, Inc.
India Office
19 (New No. 28) Shenoy Road
Nungambakkam, Chennai 600 034
South India
Tel: (44) 2 8274560, Fax: (44) 2 8256970
E Mail: india@vgroffice.org
Please remember us in your prayers as we will be praying for you. May the Lord Jesus ever keep you and guide you in His perfect will.
Your Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
India Missionary Department
Voice Of God Recordings
VOICE OF GOD--ன் ஜெபத்துடன் நமது ஊழியம்

தொடர்ந்து எங்களுக்காக ஜெபியுங்கள்.
வேதம் கூறியுள்ளபடி நம்மால் முடிந்தவரை இந்த ஊழிய பாதையில் காணிக்கை என்ற பெயரில் வசூல் வேட்டையின்றி இலவசமாக செய்தியை அனுப்ப உதவியாய் இருக்கும்.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Now, where are we at, friends?
Now, where are we at, friends?
Everything is positionally placed. As a minister of the Gospel I can't see one thing left but the going of the Bride.
36 Jesus had said that His coming would be as a thief in the night, when the--when the people would be unaware of His coming. But there were some of the virgins that went to meet Him, half of them had oil in their lamp and was ready; they were watching for that sign. And that's who I'm speaking to tonight (See?), to those who are looking for the sign now, the sign of His coming. These signs given by the Lord is given only to believers. The unbelievers never see it. They go right over the top of them, and they don't see it.
33 Even the Pharisees of the days of Jesus said, "Show us a sign from Heaven." But Jesus referred to them that they would get a sign. "You've already got a sign." Said, "You can discern the skies; you can look at that sign. You say, “if it's red and lowering, tomorrow will be foul weather.” If they would've looked at a sign, they'd have looked at Him and knew that He was God's Sign to them; because their prophecies concerning Him was being fulfilled before their eyes. But they still looked for a sign. How strange it is that man will do that, that will look for a sign when a sign's right with them, right among them.
E-37 When you see times lapsing, and then see coming... Take the history of the Bible, study it. Whenever you've seen a long lapse of time, but just... When you've seen a prophet appear on... it was a sign of judgment. God was going to judge the world when He--or the nation, or the people--when you saw a prophet coming. I preached a sermon on that, you tape men remember it, "A True Sign Overlooked." They always overlook it. They always have. But it was a sign of a coming judgment.
Brother Branham’s Message began in 1933, at the Ohio River Baptism, when the Pillar of Fire first appeared publicly and a Voice proclaimed this Message would forerun the Second Coming of the Lord. 1933 was also the year the Seven Visions were given to Brother Branham. By 1963, Six of the Seven Visions were fulfilled. During Brother Branham’s last years, he referenced certain events as “signs” pointing to the Coming of the Lord. Several of these prominent events have reoccurred approximately 40 years later.
For example, John Glenn, orbited the earth as the first American astronaut in 1962, then again in 1998 as the oldest astronaut to ever achieve space flight. The Pope, for the first time in history, traveled to Jerusalem in 1964. Then in 2000, the Pope made a second pilgrimage to Jerusalem. 5 stars “lined up,” (the planetary alignment) in 1962, then again in 2000. Massive power Blackouts occurred on the East Coast in 1965, then again on the West Coast (California) Jan-Mar 2001.
Are these modern events indicators of a significant 40 year increment of time that we should be aware of? Is it significant that 40 years has passed since John F. Kennedy, the first Catholic president was elected to office? Where does the 40 year generation Jesus spoke of in the parable of the fig tree fit in?
It is my opinion Brother Branham left clues to this 40 year time span and its significance. He positionally placed our generation relative to the first exodus, the second exodus, and now this third exodus.
After the Message was rejected, each exodus had a judgmental period of forty years. The children of Israel rejected going into the Promise Land, and they perished in the wilderness. Forty years later, Joshua took the new generation in.
The Pharisees and Sadducees rejected their Messiah, crucified Him, and forty years later Titus lay siege to Jerusalem and slaughtered the Jews.
Brother Branham indicted this “nation,” this “generation,” and its religious systems of crucifying Christ, afresh in 1963. Now we’re approaching the end of this generation (forty years or “hour” of a thousand year day). Are we seeing the closing moments of time allotted to the “Message of the Hour”?
It is notable that the present “Hour” or forty years we live in, (1963 + 40 yrs) occurs within another timeline of 70 years, (1933 + 70 yrs). Actually merged together and ending at the self same time. Please refer to the illustration.
E-62 …every prophecy has a compound meaning: compound, it repeats itself. Did you ever read over there in Matthew 3 where it said, "Out of Egypt I've called My Son, that it might be fulfilled when Jesus went into Egypt"? Run your reference on there, and see if it don't mean Jacob. But Jacob was His son. And so was Jesus His Son. See, it's got a... Each time it repeats itself, like history. God's Word's eternal. It just keeps going.
85 Do you see the history repeating itself?

109 Notice, the Word come to the prophet in this dispensation of grace, in the water (uh-huh). I thought you'd catch it (uh-huh). In the water! The first revelation of the Word was in the water. Now, you see where the Bride started, the Evening-light Message? In the water! The Word, true Word not mixed up with creeds, but come to the prophet in the water, by the water.
35-3 Oh, and I remember when He swept down there in that big Light, standing yonder at the bottom of the river, 1933, in June, when He said, "As--as John the Baptist was sent forth and forerun the first coming of Christ, I send you with a Message to the world to forerun the second coming of Christ."
E-62 I heard it say again, "Look up!" And when I looked here come that same Pillar of Fire that led Israel through the wilderness, thousands of eyes looking at it. Come right down to over where I was standing and said, "As John the Baptist was sent forth to forerun the first coming of Christ, your message shall cover the earth and forerun the second coming of Christ."
E-92 You remember when that Angel come down on the river (which you have the picture of it, and you know about), when it said here about--in 1933, when I was baptizing my first group, that the message would sweep the world? And every nation they've got a revival going. They've had it everywhere. See? Sure. Pulling the elected out. That's right.
207 Look, immediately after her mystery was made known, who she was, what she was, who her daughters was, the mystery has been made known, then God sent an angel, a messenger to (what?) call out. "Come out!" The Message of the hour! Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her plagues... He's going to curse her. Watch. Come out of her! God sent a many... mighty angel, or, a messenger. And his Light wasn't in a corner, It scattered over the earth. Come out of her! What? Her, and her sisters too. To lighten the earth, and call His people out of her. Now, you know that's the Truth. A messenger was sent from Heaven to call God's people out of Babylon.

45-3 …come out in this exodus. For all that's left behind will bear the mark of the beast. Come out of Babylon; come out of this confusion; come out of these systems and serve the living God. And let this great Angel of the Covenant, Jesus Christ in the form of God, thought it not robbery to become equal with God... Now, He's a Pillar of Fire in the same form that He was back there bringing that first exodus, bringing the second exodus, and here He is with the third exodus. The first exodus, what did He do? He brought them out of a natural land to a natural land. The second exodus, He brought them out from a spiritual condition into a spiritual baptism of the Holy Ghost. Now He's bringing them from a spiritual baptism of the Holy Ghost, right back into the eternal land of the millennium and the great hereafter. Same Pillar of Fire by the same anointed system, the same God doing the same things; and the same Word declared the first one, declared the second one. The same Word declared the second one has declared the third one, and here we see it among us. Come out. Oh, come out of this chaos. Come to the living God. Come to the Word.
28 …it's Third Exodus. The Holy Spirit in the form of, a Pillar of Fire, God coming down in manifestation brought out the first exodus and--and back in... brought Israel out of Egypt. The second exodus was Christ bringing the church out of Judaism, And the third exodus is when the same Pillar of Fire takes the Bride from the church. See? Out of the natural, out of the spiritual, and the spiritual out of the spiritual, the three. See? The spiritual out of the church, rather, and then we get the three--the three ages of it.
52 So we find that our Message is, today, the Message that we have, of, "Come out of Babylon, and be free, and--and be filled with the Spirit, and your lamps trimmed and clear, and, look up, our redemption is drawing near," these things are foreign to many people who breathe and call our lovely Lord's Name.
E-44 When Israel was in the wilderness, when they were in Egypt, they were the people of God. When they were called out, they were the Church of God. For "the church" means "called out." And now, God's calling out a people, out of Babylon, out of confusion.
73 Here He is today, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Here He is performing before the seed of Abraham that's been called out of Babylon, called out of Sodom, called out of the world and separated, showing his promise just exactly true after two thousand years. Here He stands in the midst of us tonight--that mighty conqueror, the Word of God, who can discern the thoughts that's in the heart and the intents thereof. What is it? God's seed shall possess the gates of its enemy. What is it? It's the seed of Abraham, the royal seed, believing the Word, and the Word is--the Word is God.
124 Don't you remember how that Nimrod, that hypocrite, built this big tower and made all the other little cities pay tribute to it? Babble and Babel is the same thing. It just changes it's names and--as it comes on up. It's--Rome now is Babylon. And the whole world is brought to Babylon, and it's brought in by the World Council of Churches, which will make every one of them bow to her. And you took the mark of the beast not knowing what you were doing...?... But those who are elected will hear the Word and come out of it.

JEREMIAH 25:10 (compare Rev 18:21-23)
10 Moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the sound of the millstones, and the light of the candle.
11 And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.
12 And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the LORD, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations.
13 And I will bring upon that land all my words which I have pronounced against it, even all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah hath prophesied against all the nations.
4 Babylon appears in the first of the Bible in Genesis; and it appears in the middle of the Bible; and it appears in the last of the Bible, the last Book, Revelation. And being that it's all through the Bible, it must be in existence yet today.
39-1 So that's the way it is again today. God is calling His elected people, and they are elected now. And now, they are elected for what? For a resurrection, and what kind of a sign is He showing them? Resurrection sign. What was He showing then? A delivering sign, to deliver them from the bondage, a sign of power that could shut the heavens or could black the skies. And now He's showing the power of the resurrection of His Son living among them to resurrect them from this grave and graveyard that we're in, to a land that He has promised to us: Resurrection sign, calling out of spiritual Egypt and spiritual Babylon. Knowing, let me say this, quietly now, that you'll catch it. Doing it by the same system that He did at the beginning, same thing He's doing, blinding the eyes of the unbeliever, opening the eyes of the believer. And notice, politics doing it on the intellectual side, politics and church, politics and nations, everything and the other side is a-hid away from them, a spiritual cause.
Brother Branham begins reading from Jeremiah 25:8 (editor)
83 …let's begin at the 8th verse.
Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts;... (I just like that. When I can hear a prophet stand up with "THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD," brother, that's it. To me that settles it. That's all of it.)... thus saith the LORD of hosts, Because you have not heard my words, Behold, I will send and take all the families of the north, saith the LORD, and Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will bring them again--against this land, and against the inhabitants thereof, and against all the nations around about, and I will utterly destroy them,... (Remember, them were God's elected that He's talking about. That wasn't infidels; that was church members.) Moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth,... the voice of gladness,... (Just like we have today, all rock and roll, Ricky and Elvis, and oh)... the voice of the bridegroom,... the voice of the bird,... (or the bride, rather.)... the sound of the millstone,... the light of the candle,
And this whole land shall be desolate,... (Hear that prophet cry out, This whole land shall be desolate. And not to impersonate this great servant of God, but I prophesy that this whole nation shall become desolate. God shall punish this nation for her sins. If God would not let Israel, His elected, Abraham's seed, who He made the covenant and promise with, if He would not let them get by with wrongdoing, though they were religious to the core, had the great churches, the priests, and the rabbi, but because of the immorals and things among them, and God made them reap what they sowed, so shall we get it!)...
(11th verse:)... this whole land shall become desolate, and... astonishment;... (That is, everybody just look and say, "There they are. They were so great. Look at them now.")... and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. (That's a lifetime. That's when your own blessed old mother was a baby. They were in there without a God, without a church, without a song, without anything for a complete generation, till all that sinning generation died out.) And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the LORD, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldean, and will make it a perpetual desolation. And I will bring upon that land all my words which I have pronounced against it, even all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah has prophesied against all the nation. For many nations and great kings shall serve themselves--themselves of them also: and I will recompense according to their deeds, and according to their words of their own hand. For thus saith the LORD God of Israel unto me; Take the wine cup of the fury of my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I will send thee, to drink of it. (In other words, "Jeremiah, I've give you this message. Don't set still. Don't stay in one place, but prophesy to all the nations." Do you follow it? "Prophesy to all the nations. Show My signs and wonders, and let them know that I'm coming to do this.") And they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad, because of the word that I will send among them. What do they do in this very day? They call you a--a false prophet, call you a--a compromiser, call you a--a fanatic, a soothsayer, or a dreamer of dreams, or some kind of a mental telepathist. "They will be mad!" And the word mad, if you'll break it down, means "crazy." They'll actually go crazy, and say, "All, pay no attention to that holy-roller, that nonsense." "Because of the word that I will send among them." Do you see the history repeating itself?
E-49 What a day. What a time that we're living, a modern Babylon.
E-4 Last evening it was laid upon my heart to speak on the subject of "The Handwriting On The Wall." And the Lord did bless us. And not only did He bless us, but He furthered His Kingdom by letting us read His Word, and to let the Holy Spirit reveal to us the things that's so close at hand. And in doing so we typed the great modern Babylon with the great modern America. And we found that in this nation of ours today, we found ourselves in the same kind of a fix that they were in when they had a handwriting on the wall. And then we also found out that we have a handwriting on the wall, and the same conditions, morally speaking.
43 Desperation. And now... You know what desperations is? And now we're going to read from Jeremiah the 29th chapter, the 10th verse: For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to turn to this place.
47 Now, we notice tonight that we're taking the symbols of the Passover. And the Passover was taking in emergency in times of desperation.
…And while they were under the sign of the token, they taken the Communion in--in desperation, for they knew at that time God was fixing to strike with judgment. And it was a shaking time. It was a time where every man was examining himself, because the Word of the prophet had not failed one time.
E-12 Now, we was speaking on Babylon and the handwriting on the wall. And today, as we're here today, we can almost feel the hot winds of judgment blowing in our face. The world has come to its end. There's not a hope for the world outside the coming of the Lord Jesus. That's the only hope.
E-58 Listen to this and be sure that you don't miss it. All you people here, every one you, get away from these modern walls of Babylon, these churches and things that's teaching that the days of miracles is past, and there's no such a things as real heartfelt religion. Get away from these modern walls. They're going to fall and crumble. Run quickly into the middle of God's grace and call out to Jesus Christ. There is a fountain filled with Blood…
38-5 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. All those things, like oh, Rome being the--the whore, and all the Protestant churches, denominations, denominating after her has become her harlots. See, all those mysteries that the prophets spoke of will be revealed right here in this last hour. And when this seventh angel rises in the Laodicean age and begins to sound forth the true trumpet... Because it will be contrary, they won't believe it. They sure won't believe it. But it'll be an inspired prophet, because there's no way to figure it out. Men try to figure out the trinity and go gray-headed and go crazy. No one can understand it. They still believe Eve eat a apple, and all those things. Because it's tradition that man has held onto, just like Jesus found the church. But it'll have to be a Divine led prophet for the Word of God to come to him with the true interpretation of the revelation of Jesus Christ. …
Now, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. We have that clear. When he sounds forth his message, declares war, like Paul did on the orthodox, like the rest of them did, like Luther, Wesley, against the organizations, when he declares war, and telling them they're lying, and it's not the truth, and they're deceiving men; when he sounds forth that, you can't fail, it won't fail, because he will be a-vindicated by the Word of God. You'll know exactly what it is. And when he does, he sounds forth to call from Babylon, "Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins." God send him. Don't miss it. Now, when he begins to sound, the mystery will be finished. Now, note. Then it's time for the seven sealed voices of Revelations 10 to be revealed. Do you understand?
When all the mysteries of the Book is completed, and the Bible said here that he would finish the mysteries... When men back in other ages has fought for truth; they fought for justification; they wondered why. Sanctification, they fought for this, and they fought for that, they fought for this. What did they do? Turned right around and organized into it. Same thing, Pentecostals, and the Baptists, Presbyterians, Lutherans; every one done the same thing, turned right around and done the same thing. And the Bible said in Revelations 17 that's what they'd do: Old mother whore and her daughters, the mystery Babylon. The Bible said here that that would be one of the mysteries that would be unfolded. Protestants, prostitutes committing spiritual fornications, leading people by denominations with their cup of iniquity of manmade doctrine, and pulling them away from the fountain filled with Blood, where the power of Almighty God flows freely to manifest Jesus Christ. If that's true, then God will back it up; and He has done it; and He will continue. But when that comes to pass, the Word is finished.
(see Mystery Babylon p.48)
17-1 Now, we're running late. Why? God's been long-suffering, waiting, watching. Let the--the Lutheran rise in a revival, then organize. Let the Methodist rise in a revival: organize. Let John Smith of the Baptist church rise up with a great revival: organized. Let the Pentecostals raise up with the restoration of the gifts: organized; until the iniquity gets plumb full, then God's tired. Then there comes an exodus, and we see it; that the people themselves can see back down the stream of time, that the thing is cursed. They take a wedge and a fine Babylonian garment again. And that's the thing that curses amongst the people, when man tries to inject his own ideas about things.
We got to stay with that Word; that's commandments of God was not to touch nothing in that city, that cursed city. Don't touch it; leave it alone. And Achan thought that he could take this gold wedge and live pretty decently like the rest of the world... and fine Babylonian garment. Oh, at the Achans in the camps... See? But the thing's cursed, and it continually's cursed. It was cursed since the very Nicene Council at Nicaea, Rome. It's been cursed ever since, but God's let the iniquity fill up until the time of the Amorites is about fulfilled. And now, anybody with spiritual understanding, remember, I keep quoting, "spiritual understanding." You can see that the iniquity of this nation is filled up. She's organized and reorganized and organized and organized, and now she's confederated and joining with something else. The iniquity is filled up. It's time for exodus. It's time for a calling out to the promised land, not the promise of just another country to go to, but a home, the millennium, time for a calling out. The iniquity of this nation (strike on it again tonight, the Lord willing) is filled up. She's filthy.
You say, "Brother Branham, the nation you live in?" Yes, sir. Certainly. You say, "As a citizen of the United States, you shouldn't say that."
Then Elijah shouldn't have called a curse upon Israel, and him being an Israelite then. The rest of the prophets should never have cursed that nation, that they were Israelites under.
29 Some time when you're speaking about a nation, it might think that it's reflecting to a--a certain group. It's not that. It's the overall picture of the nation. And we find, today, a--a very comparative condition today as it was in the days of Jeremiah, that the nation itself, altogether, has gone into, more or less, idolatry; kind of, I'd say, got away from God. And by doing that, it's been the weakness of the pulpit. Because, if the pulpit would have stayed straight, and with the Word of God, God would be in every church like He is moving among us here. But they have led away from that. And that's the thing that I--I want to talk about this morning.
86 I say in the Name of Jesus Christ, the very God that... This nation claims to be a religious nation; the very God that they claim to serve will destroy them in their iniquity. It'll destroy every denomination off the face of the earth, what they claim to serve.
(See: Prophecy, has a compound meaning p. 43)
In Brother Branham’s sermon "The Third Exodus" he told about Moses, when it came time to deliver the children of Israel "the iniquity of the Amorites was full" but because they rejected the Message, they had to wait another 40 years. In the Second Exodus, after the Jews rejected the Word, 40 years passed before judgment came via Titus at the siege and slaughter of Jerusalem. Now, in this Third Exodus, Brother Branham said the iniquity of this nation is filled up. Nearly 40 years has passed, since this nation rejected the Message as he declared in INDICTMENT July 7,1963.
E-9 Little did Israel know that when they were shouting the victory on the bank of the river, they were only about four days' journey (about forty miles) away from the promised land. They didn't realize they were... forty years it would take them. But what was it? Grace had provided them a prophet, a Pillar of Fire, a sacrificed lamb, a deliverance. And still they wanted a law. They wanted something they could have something to do into. They wanted to put their hands to it. That was the most rashal mistake they ever made, in Exodus 19, when Israel rejected grace, and accepted law. And then, what did they do? He just let them stay right there in the wilderness for forty years. They planted vineyards, and they eat fruit, and they married wives, they raised children, till that old generation died off and another generation come on. Forty years later, and not hardly forty hours away, but had to wait for forty years before they went over. And then a new leader came in, Joshua, and they moved on into the land with a new group.
83 But you notice, just before they entered the promised land, all of the--the differences that--that had rose up among them. They... One of the great things was Korah. He didn't want this one--man leadership. Dathan, and how they come up before Moses and tried to tell him that "the--the message had to mean this," and put a different interpretation to it, their own ideas of what it was. And they every one perished! Every one!
Jesus said, "There wasn't none of them but what perished."
They said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness, for the space of forty years," (Saint John 6.) Jesus said, "And they are every one dead."
Dead means "eternally separated." They're all dead, yet they enjoyed hearing the message, yet they enjoyed the manna that fell. Not another manna; the genuine manna!
16-5 Four hundred years, they would journey down there in Egypt and be brought out; but they actually stayed four hundred and forty years, because of the rejection of the prophet. They had to suffer another, about forty years down there in the wilderness before God brought them out. Moses was out in the wilderness forty years before he ever returned back to deliver them. You see? Forty years went overtime, lapsed, because that they rejected the message.
E-79 Little did Israel know. When they'd seen God come up there, they thought the Millennium was right on for them. They'd seen God smite them Egyptians, and drown them in the Red Sea, and perform all kinds of signs, and standing there on that bank, and Miriam with that tambourine, beating and shouting, and jumping, and Moses singing in the Spirit. Why, they wasn't but about three days away from the glory land. They didn't know they had forty years ahead of them yet. Neither did Pentecost know when the Holy Ghost first fell on them.
But you see, where they made their rashal mistake was Exodus 19, when they got away from grace that God had already provided for them, and got them a prophet, and a Pillar of Fire, and a sacrifice, and doing signs and wonders; grace had provided that, but they wanted something to do themselves. They had to have something to make themselves doctors of divinity, so they wanted a law. And there's where they died, and they stayed right there till all the old fighters died out. That's right. Then God come, and took a new bunch, and crossed over Jordan with them then.
123 Watch now, we find out, the same cause, that today, that they reject, the churches reject the Message, crucify the Word, take the Word out. Now if you don't belong to it, you can't even--you can't even have your church. They'll close it down. You've got to come into it. If you don't do it, you're closed down. Then what about it? Oh, stand for That which is right! Remember, it's crucifixion time again, nearly.
36-1 …I indict this generation of guilty of crucifying, blaspheming, the manifested Son of God! That's His promise for all the prophets, and Christ Himself to be in the last days, like it was in the days of Noah and the days of Sodom. Blasphemy, which they crucify to the people the Son of God afresh.
He's the vindicated Word. One word against It can never be forgiven. Now, what are you going to do then? Where you going to stand? They're condemned, just waiting the hour of God's wrath to be poured out.
35 When a prophet raises on the scene, it's time that God is going to speak His Word. The nations reject it, and then chaos sets in. That's the way it was in the changing of the church ages, each time, when the message was rejected. And God giving these gifts and messages to the people, and they turn them down, then there is nothing left but judgment. God is just. He will not send judgment before He offers mercy. And mercy is foretold and how it will come, but the people usually is so all mixed up, and in their minds, and so many different manmade schemes, till they don't recognize It.
TOKEN.THE JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M
32-5 As we see the great end time signs on earth today, we know that that's right. Now, look, I've waited for this for a long, long time, for this Message to you (See?), and you've seen the end time signs. And I've preached it to you and showed it to you by everything that Christ said. Is that right? You'll admit that. At the end time, I don't see nothing left. You say, "What about the mark of the beast?" Those who reject the Holy Spirit, is already marked by the beast. The punishment will come later. See?
167 Where are we at? There's only one thing. The harvest is here. She's dead ripe. She's ready now for the coming.
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113 It took forty years from the cutting off of the Messiah till Titus destroyed the temple and scattered the Jews.
52 The whole nation had to be brought into judgment. Because it happened about AD 70, when the great Roman general, Titus, besieged Jerusalem, about AD 70, with his army from Rome, and there they paid the price for rejecting Him.
Today, as we look upon that trial there, and we go out here and impersonate it in different ways, of trials on Good Friday, and talk about it, and things. And the very same thing that we are talking about, happened on that Good Friday, is right under our noses today! And our elders are doing the same thing they did, taking it right in on a similar trial, after a similar promised Word of this day has been a vindicated just the same as it was vindicated there.
268 And remember when Jesus commissioned His disciples not to go to the Gentiles (Is that right?), but go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.
How did they condemn themselves? By blaspheming the Holy Ghost, calling the Spirit of God an unclean thing. Made fun of Him when they were dancing in the Spirit, and so forth, on the day of Pentecost. That same city that made fun of it, Titus killed them in there, and their blood run out the gatesway.
E-56 God made a promise He'd show these signs in the last days. What does He do it for? So people will criticize it, like they did last night. When they do that they seal themselves off forever from God. Jesus said so. "One word against it will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come." See? And something like that has to go forward, so that God... A just God could not pour out His wrath upon a just people. It has to come upon a unbelieving, rejecting people. It's exactly. The world has to see that thing before they can reject it; and reject it, then God's just, to pour out His wrath. That's exactly right. That's the reason He did upon Israel. And they all died in there. When--when Titus come in and taken the wall, why, the blood flowed out up to the horses bits, almost, they said. Women killed their own children and eat them, eat the bark off the tree, the grass off the ground: Israelites, church members, loyal, holy men, knowed the Word real well. But what did they do? They failed to believe the true sign that God give them, the Messiah, and they paid for it.
E-52 But those Jews, they all went into Jerusalem, and they said, "Now, we'll gather to the house of the Lord, and great Jehovah Who's always been with us, will come down, and He will drive away the armies of Titus; that's what He will do." But that did they do? They had sinned against the Holy Ghost. They'd make fun of the power of the Holy Ghost in operation. They called Jesus Christ, Who was performing and showing them that He was their Messiah,
they called Him Beelzebub, called Him a devil, told Him it was some kind of a telepathy, said He was a devil, the works that He was doing was the works of the devil. They had it coming to them. Now, brother, you just wait; we won't get time tonight, but tomorrow night I want to take you over and show you that the United States has done the same thing exactly. I'll prove it to you by the Scriptures.
47 …Israel united themselves together and banded themselves, that they would not believe Jesus to be the Messiah. They rejected Him, and turned Him out, and crucified Him. And then, when they rejected the salvation that was sent to them, they unite themselves together to do it. Now, hold that in mind: uniting themselves together to reject the message of the hour. They had to do that. And then when they did that, then the national sign come in. The nations begin to unite themselves together, and Titus brought this great army of Romans and Greeks, and compassed the walls of Jerusalem, penned those people in there now, and they starved to death. They eat the bark from the trees, Josephus, the great historian, tells us. And they eat the grass off the ground. They even boiled one another's children and eat it (See?); as they were mad people. And then when finally Titus, he was setting back upon the hills, around Jerusalem there, and--and those people in there thought they were doing the will of God when they saw these armies marching in. They had refused to hear that Great Master, Lord Jesus, tell them that. There wasn't one of them Christians caught in there, for they saw the sign and moved.
929-38 "Pray that your flight be not in the wintertime, neither on the Sabbath day (See?), because on the Sabbath day the gates was shut, and they'd be caught right in their trap. If Titus got there on--on--on Friday afternoon, they was besieged in there for the Sabbath, because the doors was closed. The gates was closed on the Sabbath and didn't open. There's no coming and going out of the city on the Sabbath day. And now, you see what happened? Then He said, "Woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days," (See?) because fleeing and running... And according to the history, there wasn't one of them that believed in Jesus and believed the Word but what was watching for that to happen. And they escaped, and went from Jerusalem into Judaea, and--and fled for their lives, and not one of them... Because they were warned by their Shepherd and was watching for that hour to come. When they heard Titus was coming, they took off, run for their lives, and got out of the city.
63 And we see today, as the churches through the denominations and so forth, turning down the Word of God. They don't want you tell them about these things, and science can prove it by pictures and everything else, and still they want nothing to do with It. So Communism is forming to destroy it, just exactly like Titus did, and the Bible said they'd do it. (see Instrument in His hands p.51)
E-85 And one of these mornings, there'll be a disappearing, and one of these nights, there'll be a disappearing; and the church will be changed and caught up to meet Jesus in the air. And woe unto this bunch then. They'll gnaw their tongues for pain, when the atomic sweeps into the nation, burns eyes out, and runs like water down, and tongues are gnawed for pain, and screaming, just one bomb bursting after another.
219 Jesus said the work will be cut short for the Elected sake or there'd be no flesh saved. Where are we at?
It’s now been 40 years since Brother Branham’s 6th vision was fulfilled. We know that the Catholic Church came to power in the United States through the presidency of John F. Kennedy. He was inaugurated in 1961 as the first Catholic president. During his presidency, Mrs. Kennedy captured the imagination of the American public. She dictated woman’s fashion and culture, and remains to this day an American icon of style and beauty. Together, (spiritually and naturally) Mr. And Mrs. Kennedy personified the fulfillment of Brother Branham’s Sixth Vision. It is also important to remember Brother Branham identified Kennedy as “the pharaoh who knew not Joseph,” …a prominent role at the time of Exodus.
24-2 But there raised up a pharaoh who didn't know Joseph. It's the same thing today. A man has raised up and took oath in the--in the White House that will not swear to his oath--will not take his oath, that he believes in freedom of religion. (see Feast of the Trumpets p. 24)
E-92 I was quoting last night a prophecy that was given me back in 1933 of seven things that'd take place: Germany, the Sieg--Siegfried Line, and the president election, and all these other things. Five of them has already taken place, two left--the coming of the control of a woman in the United States to take over, maybe a church to take over to rule... Watch. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD.
405 Look at the prophecy the Lord give me in '33, how it would happen, "They'd permit women to vote; in voting they'd elect the wrong person." Seven things was given, and five of them's already happened. The next thing was a great woman, a church, or power or something, to take over in this United States and rule. Then I seen it just like ashes laying there, where it come to the end. It was the end time.
31-6 Notice, what a great time we're living in. Them prophets rebuked them modern women in their days, and they both paid for it by their lives. History proves that each one of those times was a woman's world, when women control. Look about today. We'll have one President one of these days, look like could happen right now. Actually she is President. See? He's just a figurehead. Here not long ago, in one of the other nations, she was getting so much praise and everything from all the people, till the President himself said, "I'm her husband." The President of the United States. She sets the fashions; the women follow it (See?) just like Jezebel did.
E-6 I said, "It will come to pass before the end time comes that there will be a great woman stand up in the United States, because the United States is marked woman. Her number is thirteen, and she'll rise up, either be president, or (I put it in parentheses) perhaps the woman being beautiful and attractive will be the Catholic church but cruel at heart, and she'll lead the nation to pollution.
206 Now, I predicted and said, "I saw a great woman stand up--beautiful looking, dressed in real highly royals like purple, and I got in little parenthesis down here, "She was a great ruler in the United States, perhaps the Catholic church." A woman, some woman... I don't know it to be the Catholic church. I don't know. I can't say. Only thing I seen, I seen the woman; that was all.
E-102 Watch. Form an image unto the beast... We see all this. The very Catholic president... It ain't Kennedy, far as I know He's a man like I am or anybody else. It's not that. It wasn't Ahab. Ahab was a pretty good fellow. It was that Jezebel behind him. That's what was behind it. That's the thing that done the trouble. And it ain't Kennedy; it's that Jezebel church behind him. That's what's a doing it. Sure, that's exactly.
50-6 There's an iron curtain; there's a bamboo curtain; and there's a purple curtain. Brother, don't you fear none of the rest of them, but watch that purple curtain. She's setting right here on the throne today in this country. Remember, just like Ahab did, and Jezebel behind him, that's...
The Bible calls the Catholic church Jezebel, prostitute. And Ahab wasn't no bad guy; I don't say that Mr. Kennedy isn't a nice man; I don't know nothing about him. He's a man; that's all I know. He's the President; I believe he will make a good president. It's not him; it's that system behind him.
165 You just watch, we're going to reap what we sow. She's at the end. I prophesied in 1956 when Billy Graham would return, and I said that Tommy Osborn would return, and America would receive her last call. Several years ago, It predicted exactly the Maginot Line, exactly what would take place, exactly Kennedy would take the place, and of this, and there'd be a Catholic President ruling here, and what it would be.
158 Now, the same thing to this nation. Then you say, "Brother Branham, last Sunday you said `There wasn't a hope.'" Yes! "Why?" It spurned its call. It's got to receive It. It's going to receive it. There's coming a time when this nation's going to go to pieces. I saw it in 1933. See? I looked off...
You said, you might have said, "Well, it didn't happen then."
But it's going to happen! Neither was Mussolini in power, neither was the Maginot Line built, neither did the car look like an egg in them days, and the things, neither did the women elect a President that would look like a--a college boy, and all these other things, neither would there be a Catholic President, and so forth, spoke of. About thirty years ago, or more, these things were predicted, but He only showed me way off down to the end.
23-7 The same... the same S-u-n that rises in the east is the same S-u-n that sets in the west. And the same S-o-n of God that come in the east and vindicated Himself as God manifested in the flesh is the same S-o-n of God in the western hemisphere here, that's identifying Himself among the church tonight--the same yesterday, today, and forever! The evening Light of the Son has come. This day this Scripture is fulfilled before us. Where are we at in this Abrahamic age? Where are we in this great time we're standing, the great hour that we're living? All the visions has been fulfilled.
Brother Branham told us a 40 year period was directly related to Israel in some way. When did the generation start? Has the 40 years allotted to the specific generation of the fig tree parable already begun?
15 Now, there's not going to be a great millions and multitudes come out of a generation and march in. There--there can't be. Now, remember, each day ends a generation, each day. "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man, wherein eight souls was saved by water." But each day ends a forty year period for somebody, for some. See? And each day so many is sealed away in the Kingdom. One day the last day will arrive.
E-84 Jesus, when He come on earth, He done exactly what the Word said He would do for a sign to Israel before they were ousted, and having... Just now coming back, since two thousand years ago, since they turned away. Israel will be converted all at one time, of course. They're--they're a people. They're a nation. God deals with Israel as a nation; but a people out of the Gentiles for His Bride. Israel's a nation, just now coming back into the homeland: a great sign.
SEVENTH.SEAL.THE JEFF.IN 63-0324E (March 24,1963)
549-5 But notice, the very generation of Jews that seen the return back into Palestine, that generation would see these things happen. And just the last two years she was fully become a nation with her own money and whatever. There she is.
MARK 13:28
28 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch2798 is yet tender, and putteth forth1631 leaves,5444 ye know that summer is near:
Notice the meaning of the word “branch” and the phrase “putteth forth.” The “branch” is the people of Israel, “putteth forth” refers to a swelling of growth.
2798 klados {klad'-os}
from 2806; AV -- branch (11)
1a) a young tender shoot,
1b) a branch; as the Jewish patriarchs are likened to a root, so are their posterity are likened to branches
5444 phullon {fool'-lon}
from the same as 5443; TDNT –
AV -- leaf (6)
5443 phule {foo-lay'}
from 5453 (compare 5444); TDNT -- 9:236,1280; n f
AV -- tribe (25) -- kindred (6) [31]
1) a tribe, in the NT all the persons descending from one of the twelve sons of the patriarch, Jacob
2) a race, nation, people
5453 phuo {foo'-o}
a primary verb, probably originally, to "puff" or blow, i.e. to swell up;
AV -- spring up (1)
-- spring (1)
-- as soon as it be sprung up (1) [3]
1) to beget, bring forth, produce; to be born, to spring up, to grow
2) to shoot forth, spring up
1631 ekphuo {ek-foo'-o}
from 1537 and 5453;
AV -- put forth (2)
1) to generate or produce from; to cause to grow out; when the branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves; when the leaves have grown out
Brother Branham taught the “sign” of the parable of the fig tree was:“…the Jews returning back to Palestine.” History records a great influx of Jewish immigration as the “Ingathering of the Exiles.” The political establishment of the State of Israel (in 1948) was necessary for the “sign” to take place. The actual ingathering of the Jews to their homeland then followed. The creation of the State of Israel encouraged Jewish immigration on a large scale, having arrived from all over the world. The over all population of Israel swelled from 800,000 in 1948 to over 2.5 million by 1964. Today there are over 6 million in Israel.

Ingathering of the Exiles
The first legislative act of the Provisional Council of State (of Israel) was the Law and Administrative Ordinance of 1948 that declared null and void the restrictions on Jewish immigration imposed by British authorities. In July 1950, the Knesset passed the Law of Return, which stated that "Every Jew has the right to come to this country as an olah (new immigrant)." SOURCE: Area Handbook of the US Library of Congress
The Law of Return (1950) grants every Jew the right to return to Israel and, upon entry, to automatically acquire citizenship. It gives legal confirmation to the age- old yearning for the return to Zion as articulated in the Basle Program issued by the First Zionist Congress (1897); to Jewish immigration to the Land, spelled out in Article 6 of the Mandate for Palestine granted Great Britain by the League of Nations (1922); and to the concept of the "ingathering of the exiles" which lies at the heart of the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel (1948).
Copyright (c) 1995 by The Israel Foreign Ministry.
243 The mysterious of how that bunch of Jews, persecuted everywhere, and turned out, and run out, and throwed out, like the church down through these ages of rejection, and yet Jesus said, "When you see the fig tree putting forth its buds (that nation returning back to be a nation again), the time is at hand, even at the door. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled." (see MARK 13:29)
45 Is there something fixing to happen, and these old marred, vile bodies are going to be changed? Can I live to see it, O Lord? Is it so close that I'll see it? Is this the generation? Sirs, my brethren, what time is it? Where are we at?"
Let's look at the watch, the calendar to see what date we're living in. Israel is in Palestine in her homeland. The ensign, the six-point Star of David, two thousand years ago, yeah, nearly twenty-five hundred years ago, the oldest flag is flying. Israel's back in her homeland. "When the fig tree put forth its buds, this generation shall not die, shall not pass out--pass away until all things are fulfilled."
E-69 Now, what is it? Our day is ending. The Jews are begin to assemble together again like God said.
31 But here is what Jesus was speaking to my most humble opinion, was that He said, that, "This generation," in other words, the generation that saw the fig tree putting forth his buds. See, He said here, "And when the fig tree is beginning, is tender, and putteth forth its, his branches, you say summer is nigh. Likewise (See?), when you see all these things, know the time." When you see all these three questions fulfilled, the time is at the door. That generation that sees the fig tree... And the fig tree is always Israel. And when Israel goes back to her homeland and becomes a nation, that generation will not pass away until these things are all fulfilled.
132 And we see Israel, the first time for several hundreds of years, almost over two thousand years, is now become a nation; her own army, her own money. Israel is in the homeland; her own nation, own flag, belonging to the United Nations. She is a nation! Why, it's one of the greatest signs that we could think of, right now, Israel in her homeland. And Jesus said, "This generation that sees Israel go back to her homeland shall not pass until all has been fulfilled." See, He spoke of this day.
36 Now, you see it's at the door. The next thing is watching for the coming of the Lord. All the other signs are blending right in with it. So that's why tonight that I try to get the people to stay exactly on the promised Word. Just what the Word says, stay right with That.
34 Israel is in her homeland. She's her own nation. She got her own money, own flag, a member of the U.N. She's just a nation; the first time for about twenty-five hundred years since she's been a nation. And Jesus promised that, "The generation..." And, in the Bible, a generation is allotted to forty years. From the time that Israel become a nation, until forty years, somewhere within that time, He will come. And if that is true, then that brings the coming...
549-3 That last--that question they asked Him: "And what will be the sign of the end of the world?" When you see these Jews... When you see these other things taking place, you know what takes place. Now, when you see these Jews... Talking to the Jew... Now, watch. What company is He talking to? Gentiles? Jews, Jews. See? Now, He said, "You'd be hated of all nations for My Name," and so forth like... Now, when He said... You see these Jews begin to put forth their buds over yonder, when that Israel begins to turn back, getting into her country, when she gets there, the Church is ready to rapture…
546-3 …there will be one hundred and forty-four thousand (according to the election) that will believe the message out of literally millions that'll be there. There were millions in Palestine at the days of the prophecy of Elijah, and seven thousand was saved out of millions. Now, according to the election, where millions of Jews are gathering into their homeland (it's become a nation) there'll be millions in there, but only one hundred and forty-four thousand elected ones will be taken. They will hear the message.
32-4 The atonement day followed the trumpet. Now--now, the fifty days of the trumpets for us symbolize when the trumpet sounded at Pentecost, which was fifty days. Now--now--now, after this, the Jews rejected that; now the Trumpets is to call them back to that Atonement (see?), the Atonement they rejected. And they rejected, so our eyes could be opened; theirs was closed. And during this time, these Seals opened up and the--the--the Trumpets blowed. And now, in the blowing of the Trumpets, just before the Messiah comes--'cause they've got to be in Palestine; and you remember God had to harden Pharaoh's heart to run them out of Egypt; and He hardened Stalin, Mussolini, and all that to get them back into the promised land, where the 144,000 is supposed to be. And now, for the first time for thousands of years, 2,500 years, that Israel is a nation with its own flag, own army own--and it--considered in the--in the U.N. First time it's been. The oldest flag that ever flew on earth, at this time flies again. The five--six-point star of David. He said He'd lift that ensign in the last days, when she'd be coming back. We're at the end. There's just no doubt about it; we're here.
E-102 We see Israel in her homeland with her ensign lifted up, the six-point star of David. She's got her own money, her own nation, her own army. She's got everything. She... she's Israel! What is it? She's there, ready for the purging that God will take that 144,000 from it.
Population of Israel: 2.5 million at the time of Moses
46-4 …in the days of the coming out of Israel, out of two and a half million people, only two made the land.
ONCE.MORE NEW.YORK.NY V-18 N-13 63-1117
92 There were two and a half million in Egypt; Moses went down.
148 Frankly, there was only two of them that ever went through that was saved out of a two and a half million, two out of two and a half million.
Population of Israel: 2.5 million at the time of Jesus
68 Now, just notice, how few of them in His day, of the millions upon the earth, that never even knew of Him being here. Just think, there were tens... millions of people that never knew nothing about it. And to think, in Israel at that time, there was two and a-half million people in Palestine, of Israelites, and not one-hundredth of them ever knew it.
25-1 Simeon had the promise sitting over in his study that morning. Oh, I guess there might have been several hundred babies brought in every morning …about two and a half million Jews in the country, and these babies come in and many born; every eight days the mother had to come offer offering for purification.
Population of Israel
1948 800,000
1962 2,332,000
1963 2,430,000
1964 2,526,000
1965 2,598,000
2001 6,000,000
33-3 I've read the Scripture, with a dozen or more evidences that we're living in the last day, the generation that will see Jesus Christ return to the earth. And I say to you tonight again, this day this Scripture is fulfilled in your sight!
20-6 Notice, another great sign. The Jews are in their homeland, their own nation, their own money, a member of the United Nations, they got their own army; they got everything. They're in their homeland which Jesus said, "Learn a parable of the fig tree." There they are, right back in their nation. This day this Scripture is fulfilled.
The Jews in their homeland--This day this Scripture is fulfilled.
223 Don't be ashamed of Him in this generation; sinful, perplexed, the last generation that'll ever be on the earth, this sinful, adulterness, and full of all putrefied sores.
90 With Israel in her land and everything setting now, and the Message is just perfectly moving in, what day are we living, brother? Where are we at?
45-1 The Jews are in their homeland; the Bride's called. Scripturally everything just exactly what He promised; we're ready. The hour is here.
445-5 {391} For we realize we have just a short time, and the Church might go at any time. The Lamb might at any time leave the sanctuary up there or--or the throne of sacrifice, come forth from the throne of God where the sacrifice laid, and then it's over. There's no more hopes for the world; she's finished. Then she goes into frustrations of great spasms of earthquakes and--and great shakings like it was at--at the resurrection. And--and the--the--as Christ rose from the grave, when the saints rise, the same thing will take place. Lord, it could be at any minute. We're watching for that glad day to arrive.
42-3 How can a denomination accept those Seven Seals when it's absolutely contrary? Serpent's seed and all those other things, the whole full Seven Mysteries is contrary to what they've been taught, because they took the old school from the Bible school. And the Seven Seals of God, when it was opened on the mountain... God, let me die right now in this pulpit if that ain't the Truth. And I foretold you a year and six months before it happened when He told me to go to Arizona, what would happen out there in the desert; and there's men setting right here tonight was standing right there and present when the seven Angels came down, and even the magazines--"Life" Magazine packed the article of it. It was right there in the observatory and everything, and now they don't even know what it is all about. And everything has been said, even to the destruction of California, coming up now, and all these other things, and how I told them how many days it would be. How it would be where this great earthquake would happen in Alaska and that would be the beginning of the sign of time, and what would take place. And just word by word what It said. It's never failed one time. You've never seen It fail. And It can't fail, because It's God's Word, and heavens and earth will pass away, but It can't fail. That's right.
E-80 …just before the promised son, the last sign before the Gentile world was destroyed, was this God manifested in flesh that knew the secrets of the heart. Now that's the last sign that the church in the spiritual... Church gets. That's the last sign that the natural church gets, and the Gentile world will be destroyed. And she's ready for it right now, the earth shaking all over with earthquakes. Why? The first time the earthquake ever shook the whole earth was on Good Friday. The last time it shook it was another Good Friday. What did it shake for? Because they had rejected their Messiah. Why did it shake again? They've done the same thing. See? Laodicea church age, any scholar knows that He was on the outside knocking, crying, "Lo, I stand at the door and knock." The only church age that ever completely put Him out. And the ecumenical council, that's just exactly what you've done to form the mark of the beast, taking in there... Well, what's... how can two walk together unless they be agreed? And by doing that, they've rejected the Word again. It's on the outside. Can't even get cooperation nowhere.
88 While I was standing there the Lord said--showed me what was going to happen: "Judgment's fixing to strike the west coast." …
... And coming down from the heavens come the whirlwind of God and clapped like, shook the hill, run inside of that mountain, cut a streak plumb around it about five feet above my head, and cut all the tops of them trees off as the rocks went out, went up in the air and come down again with another big baptism, and struck across the mountain, and throwed the rocks out like that. Did it three times, then went up in the air. And Brother Banks come over to me and, "Is that what you said yesterday?" I said, "Yes, sir; that's exactly it!" See? And then two days after that Alaska sunk almost up there. And up and down that west coast has been thunders and pushings and everything happening. One of these days she's going to slide beneath the ocean. That's right! What is it? We're living in the hour of the coming of the Lord.
E-21 We see the earthquakes again breaking up the earth in divers places, and men's hearts failing, fear and perplex of nations, distress of nations. And we--we're just at the end-time. We think of the great earthquake the other day, and never was one like it. Only nineteen hundred years ago on another Good Friday, when Jesus had been rejected by the world, the earth shook all over. And God, He's rejected again. The earth shook the other day, and hills and mountains fell in, cities collapsed, and--and water dashed in the air, and the whole world felt it. What will it be when You return, Lord? No wonder they cry to the rocks and the mountains. Let us be ready for that great going home time, Father.
What is left? Nothing except Hebrews 12:26. "Whose voice then shook the earth: but now He hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven." Once more God will shake the earth and with it shake everything loose that can be shaken. Then He will renovate it. Just last March, 1964, that Good Friday earthquake of Alaska shook the whole world though it did not unbalance it. But God was warning by a world tremor what He will soon do on a greater scale. He is going to blast and rock this sin-cursed world, my brother, my sister, and there is only one place that can stand that shock, and that is in the fold of the Lord Jesus.
Location: Lat. 61.04 N. - Long. 147.73 W. Depth approximately 25 km. The epicenter was about 10 km east of the mouth of College Fiord, approximately 90 km west of Valdez and 120 km east of Anchorage.
Magnitude: 9.2 (Moment Magnitude) Second largest earthquake ever recorded. The largest was a 9.5 earthquake in Chile in 1960. (The Alaska Earthquake registered 8.6 on the Richter Scale, although scientists now favor a different magnitude scale for very large quakes that shows this quake as 9.2.)
Duration of rupture: approximately 4 minutes (240 sec.)
The aftershock zone of this earthquake was about 250 km wide and extended about 800 km from Prince William Sound to the SW end of Kodiak Island. The mainshock and its aftershocks occurred on a fault which is part of the boundary between the Pacific and North American plates. Thousands of aftershocks were recorded in the months following the mainshock. In the first day there were 11 aftershocks with magnitude greater than 6.0 on the Richter scale; in the next three weeks there were 9 more. Smaller aftershocks continued for more than a yearCAUSE
The northwestward motion of the Pacific plate at about 5 to 7 cm per year causes the crust of southern Alaska to be compressed and warped, with some areas along the coast being depressed and other areas inland being uplifted. After periods of tens to hundreds of years, this compression is relieved by the sudden southeastward motion of portions of coastal Alaska as they move back over the subducting Pacific plate.As a result of the 1964 quake, the Latouche Island area moved about 18 meters to the southeast. Also, the patterns of uplift and subsidence which had been slowly developing prior to the earthquake were suddenly reversed, with areas around Montague Island being uplifted 4-9 meters and areas around Portage down-dropped as much as 3 meters. The hinge line (line of no vertical change separating the uplift and subsidence zones) extended from near the epicenter in Prince William Sound to the SE coast of Kodiak Island. This vertical deformation affected and area of approximately 250,000 km2 (100,000 miles2). The end results was the movement of the Pacific plate under the North American plate by about 9 meters on average.
Damage The area where there was significant damage covered about 130,000 km2. The area in which it was felt was about 1,300,000 km2 (all of Alaska, parts of Canada, and south to Washington). The four minute duration of shaking triggered many landslides and avalanches. Major structural damage occurred in many of the major cities in Alaska.
Deaths: 115 in Alaska, 16 in Oregon and California
The death toll was extremely small for a quake of this size, due to low population density, time of day (holiday) and type of material used to construct many buildings (wood)
Monetary: 300-400 million dollars (1964 dollars)
Much of the damage and most of the lives lost were due to the effects of water waves. These were mainly of two kinds: the tsunami of open-ocean sea wave, generated by large-scale motion of the sea floor; and the local wave, generated by underwater landslides in bays of fiords. The 1964 Alaska tsunami was the second largest ever recorded, again following only the one caused by the 1960 Chile earthquake (4 meters at Sitka). Of the 119 deaths attributable to the effects of the ocean, about one-third were due to the open-ocean tsunami: 4 at Newport Beach, Oregon; 12 at Crescent City, California; and about 21 in Alaska. Local waves claimed at least 82 lives. Maximum height reported for these waves were 70 meters in Valdez Arm.
Seiches, a sort of sloshing of water back and forth in a small body of water like a boat harbor or swimming pool, were observed as far away as Louisiana where a number of fishing boats were sunk. Oscillations in the height of water in wells were reported from as far away as South Africa.
In addition to damage in the epicentral region immediately following the quake, long period seismic waves traveled around the earth for several weeks. Basically the whole earth vibrated (rang) like a church bell during this time. States as far away as Texas and Florida were affected with vertical motions of up to 5 to 10 cm.
(adapted from D. Christensen, UAF)
Notice the first Gentiles, who came to Christ, (the wise men) left Babylon and was guided by a heavenly Light on their journey. A perfect type of the last Gentiles, (the Bride) called out of Babylon, guided by the Evening Light, to come to Christ, the Word. Brother Branham points out an infant Messiah and an infant Bride were both heralded by an alignment of the stars.
If the alignment of the stars was the announcement of an infant Bride 40 years ago, then what did the recent alignment of the stars announce in May 2000?
139 The wise men that come from up in Babylon, and they were studying the stars, there were astronomers. And as they studied the stars, they seen these three stars line up. Ham, Shem, and Japheth's star, that they were borned under, lined up, and they knew. Those scientific believers watched the heavenly beings, how they moved, and when they seen those stars come into line over Jerusalem. For, if they was at Babylon, they looked right straight towards Jerusalem, towards the West to see it. And when they seen that come in, they knew that when those stars come in line with one another, the Messiah was on the earth. Glory!
91 …when these wise men saw that the Word of God said a star would rise out of Jacob, they followed that little, God-given token to the source of eternal Light. So will wise men today who is not blinded by creeds, will follow the God-given Spoken Word till they see the fullness of the power of God blooming forth in this hour. See? They--they see it, and they know that's it's here in the Scripture. God promised it for this day.
COMMUNION JEFF.IN 62-0204 (February 4, 1962)
74 We see that the astronomers are predicting, sometime in this early part or the first part of the month, beginning on the second or the fifth, or somewhere along this month, the Indian astronomers predict the world to blow to pieces. And the American newspapers make fun of it. I do not believe the world's going to blow to pieces, but I do say it's wrong to make fun of it. Because something's fixing to happen one of these days, something similar to that, when the five planets, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus, and--and so forth comes into their--their... They never have did it. Oh, they claim maybe twenty-five thousand years ago, but who was back there to know it?
I predict that this has a spiritual application. I believe it's the coming in of the issue of God, that the great revelation of the Word will be opened during this time. Remember, they claim it was three stars came into the orbit when Jesus was born. And this is five, and five is grace, the number of grace. Three is the number of perfection. Five is the number of grace: J-e-s-u-s, g-r-a-c-e, f-a-i-t-h, so forth, number of grace. God ever sends His power to the church, it'll be His grace; it won't be the obedience of the people.
134 Let's get ready for this midnight cry. It's coming in a hour when you think not. There'll be a cry, not amongst the unbelieving world; it'll be a secret. But the believers, who are looking for this. You see the stars coming in line? See? What did it produce? Just exactly like it did the first time. See, here we are, the signs are coming.
We see the signs appearing of His blessed coming,
Lo, behold the fig leaves now becoming green;
The gospel of the kingdom has gone to every nation;.
And we're near, the end can be seen.
Then gladly, away, we'll herald the message of His blessed appearing,
Is that right? Oh, herald the Message of His blessed appearing. That's what we got to do. Tell everybody, "Get ready, prepare to meet God." Amen.
134 Let's get ready for this midnight cry. It's coming in a hour when you think not. There'll be a cry, not amongst the unbelieving world; it'll be a secret. But the believers, who are looking for this. You see the stars coming in line? See? What did it produce? Just exactly like it did the first time. See, here we are, the signs are coming.
We see the signs appearing of His blessed coming,
Lo, behold the fig leaves now becoming green;
The gospel of the kingdom has gone to every nation;.
And we're near, the end can be seen.
Then gladly, away, we'll herald the message of His blessed appearing,
Is that right? Oh, herald the Message of His blessed appearing. That's what we got to do. Tell everybody, "Get ready, prepare to meet God." Amen.
February 28, 1963: Seals were opened on Sunset Mt, AZ
550-2 Now, where are we at, friends? The Seals and everything opening, now we're getting this in between here. There it is. See where we're setting? I hope you get it.
E-78 Now, what's happened? We see a roar in the paper, across the television out across the nations, where five stars just fell in line with the world. What's five? A number of grace. Every time those stars come in, something happens on earth. What taken place? Five stars fell in. What was it, a--a introducing of what? Since then just look what's taken place. Germany almost washed off the map. Some of the magi said that the world would burst like a watermelon. Every distressful things prophesied by them for the last days. Look what's taken place. England, the other day, had a storm that blowed away seventy thousand houses one day. Disasters everywhere...
California, Los Angeles liked to washed into the ocean. What is it? The beginning of sorrows. Earthquakes has picked up everywhere. Why is it? Five stars come in line: Grace, God's grace. What's happened? An infant church (Hallelujah), a Bride, infancy, that the power of God has begin to fall on her. She's taking form: a Bride for this Bridegroom. That three stars meant His perfection of the heavenly Father, of the trinity becoming One on earth among us, God's offices becoming one office. What happened now? It's the church of the living God coming together under the Word of God, and the astronomic heaven is announcing her approach. Amen. Might not believe that, but it's the Word just the same. Yes, sir. What's happening? (I'm closing.) I might say this: friends, the church is coming forth. God's going to have a church without spot or wrinkle. And she's predestinated. …
And I believe that these latter day signs and things that's happening, every one of them is peeling together to show that Christ is ready to come for this Bride. It's God in His Word made manifest in a man, a perfect man; so is God and His Word coming again, and making Himself manifested in a Bride. Not will do like Eve did, hybreed it to something else, but the unadulterated Word of God will be borned into that church, and she'll stand like Jesus Christ did, with His Spirit anointing in His Word. Amen. I believe it's the announcement now.
CBS News 5/5/2000
Astronomers say the sun's glare will keep people on Earth from seeing the tight alignment of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the moon, …It is the tightest alignment of planets since 1962.
For centuries, doomsayers have said such cosmic groupings spell the end of the world or a spate of disasters like earthquakes and floods. However, scientists will tell you not to hold your breath.
"The world hasn't ended any of the other times that the planets moved into what astronomers call conjunction, so there's no reason to think it will this time," the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said…
For centuries, doomsayers have said such cosmic groupings spell the end of the world or a spate of disasters like earthquakes and floods. However, scientists will tell you not to hold your breath.
"The world hasn't ended any of the other times that the planets moved into what astronomers call conjunction, so there's no reason to think it will this time," the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said…
Narrative of Planetary Alignment of May 3-5 2000
Throughout Wednesday, May 3, 2000 the Moon conjoined all of the visible planets in Taurus. Then, on the night of May 3rd in the US (9:11 PDT), or early on the morning of May 4 in Europe (4:11 GMT), the (completely darkened) New Moon conjoined the Sun at the center of the cluster.
At this point Mars moved into Gemini, (the constellation of the Twins). On the morning of May 5 (8:08 GMT) the closest astronomical cluster formed when the Moon conjoined Mars in Gemini. From that point on the Moon quickly departed from the stellium, while the rest of the multiple conjunction remained almost as tight or tighter throughout the month of May.
At this point Mars moved into Gemini, (the constellation of the Twins). On the morning of May 5 (8:08 GMT) the closest astronomical cluster formed when the Moon conjoined Mars in Gemini. From that point on the Moon quickly departed from the stellium, while the rest of the multiple conjunction remained almost as tight or tighter throughout the month of May.

John Glenn: First American to orbit the Earth. At age 40, he orbited the Earth 3 times in Friendship 7, February 2, 1962. At age 77, as a member of a crew of 7, he orbited the earth 144 times in Discovery. That flight began on October 29, 1998.
111 And it's the same thing in this day of astronaut. We have to come in the same way, come by the same way, by the same Message, by the same Christ, by the same power that they received on the day of Pentecost. The same way! It has been all the time the same One, because It's the same Door. And how do we get into this body? By the Door. And Jesus is the Door to this Body. So we come in and are born into the Kingdom of God, through the Door, Jesus Christ. And now the Door is just about to close at the Laodicean, last countdown, and the Church is fixing to take its orbit above all tribulations, all everything, and soar its way into the heavens of Heavens, carrying the Church to the bosom of God. Amen. [Blank spot on tape--Ed.]
Amen. The morning that John... this Glenn took off down there, everybody was on their faces, crying and praying, wondering what he was going to be able to achieve. And the first thing, the fire begin to spread from them atoms as that great big missile lifted off there at Cape Canaveral, going up into the air like that, and people screaming and crying and wondering what would happen to their astronaut that was going up. Oh, but the Church, glory, she's spreading some fire too. Amen. The countdown's coming! Amen! "Justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, Laodicean church age," we're at the end! Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever!
What's the matter? "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two... zero!" They won't be crying, but there'll be singing and shouting and praising God, as the Church takes its astronaut move into the skies to be with Jesus Christ. Amen. In the natural achievement, they're taking off to the moon. In the spiritual achievement we're taking off towards Heaven. Amen! The natural astronaut's trying to find him a place on the moon. We got already got a place in Heaven all ready. "In My Father's House are many mansions. I'll go and prepare a place for you, and send an Astronaut back to get you." Countdown's on! Do you believe it? Amen. Countdown! "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero!" The fire begins to spread, the ministry's crowned in Glory. Hallelujah. And the old rocket begins to take off, not pointed towards the moon, but pointed towards Glory. Yonder She is, the fire of God spreading. The power of the Holy Ghost lifting her up and beyond the moon, stars, beyond anything that could ever be achieved by man. The Church will take her flight to the bosoms of God in Heaven, one of these mornings. Friends, and man has been able to achieve what they have by their natural things, and God (I proved it here) has typed it by the spiritual.
COUNTDOWN BAKF.CA V-22 N-9 64-0209
84 Notice, He counts straight ahead, not backwards. He goes forward. He starts from His first church age, which begin at A.D. 33, and He started the countdown. He counted His church ages. That was the birth of the church, on the day of Pentecost. What did He start counting? He starts counting the church ages. First one was Ephesus, number one; two, Smyrna; three, Pergamos; four, Thyatira; five, Sardis; six, Philadelphia; seven, Laodicea! It's later than you think. It's later than you think. The counting's over. The next thing is zero! Let's go. Everything's ready. The counting's over! When John Glenn, our astronaut, got into that big tube to take off, the nation stood speechless. They didn't know, that morning that he took off. When he did, he got in the tube, and everybody was crying, and waiting, and watching what was going to happen. The nation stood spellbound. You seen the... All the televisions blaring, and everything, so everybody could see it. Their natural eye couldn't see it. Because they put it on television, you remember it. Then when he got placed up in the tube just right, and when he did, they started, "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero," off he went. What happened? When the big lever pulled, the atomics begin to catch fire, begin to break, fire begin to fly, smoke begin to roll, and the great big tube took off for the air, into the unknown, out yonder somewhere. He took off in the man's achievement, the greatest he's ever had. Well, let me tell you, that's just a very small thing.
One of these mornings, God's achievement, of His astronauts that's climbed into Jesus Christ, been born in there by the Holy Ghost, filled with His power! One of these mornings, the whole universe will be screaming, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth, when they see they've missed it. When the great Eagle, powered by the Holy Ghost and Fire, begins to spread Her wings, the astronauts will take off into the sky, to go to meet the Bridegroom; when the Bride takes off, in the astronaut power of God Almighty who sent Jesus Christ to the earth, in the form of the Holy Ghost, has brought the church through these achievements! Until, now She's getting resurrected power in her to fly beyond the things of the world, seeing Him in, out here in the Church, making Himself the same yesterday, today, and forever. Yes, sir. The countdown is even over. Every church age is done past. We're ending on the Laodicea. Get in, my brother, sister. Get pressurized. The pressure won't hurt you, when you get on the inside and get pressurized. Get in Christ, and you won't care what the world says. They can't never hit you, anyhow. You're safe. You're tucked in. Jesus Christ is our great, glorious Astronaut tube that we'll be in, that'll be propelled by the Holy Ghost in power and Fire, when she begins to fly one of these mornings. The Holy Ghost Fire hit the earth like that, and when they do, the Church will be lifted up. And all the nations will stand, they won't need television, they'll see Him. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess, as She propels Her way in yonder, into the glorious realms of--of Heaven, to be married to Her Bridegroom. God help us to live for that day!
75 …isn't it a strange thing that the pope of Rome would leave Rome for his first time to go back to Jerusalem?
SHALOM PHOENIX.AZ V-22 N-1 64-0119
83 I've got it wrote down here, the very day we... The Lord let me see that in 1933. And here it is just exactly the way that he... the way It said, just coming the same way, how the pope would leave Rome, and so forth.
SHALOM PHOENIX.AZ V-22 N-1 64-0119
33 But speaking here, in 1933, of the pope taking his place out of, or coming out, rather, of Rome, and making a visit to the--the holy lands. He'll also come here. And the strange thing, is, a few nights before he left Rome, for the first time it ever was in history, the moon came down and went in total eclipse.
Just that, what was it? Shadowing off the reflected Light of the Son. In this, he spoke to the Orthodox father; and they're all in agreement, "The pope does this for fellowship, good neighborly fellowship." Which sounds, to the natural ear, the most wonderful thing could happen. But to the spiritual ear, it's darkness.
112 Remember, this is the seventh church age, the Laodicean Church Age. According to Revelation 3, they reject Christ. Of every church age that was mentioned in the Bible, the Laodicea Age was worst of all of them. It turned Him out, rejected Him, put Him on the outside. Did you see the moon black out, the other night, before the pope went over to Rome, from Rome to Jerusalem? Jerusalem, the oldest church; the moon is a type of the church, always reflecting the light of the sun, in the absence of the sun, and it blacked out. I drawed that on a blackboard here, three or four years ago, and showed the churches, in hundreds and thousands of homes across the nation.
What was it? A shadow. The first time a pope ever left, to come back here, come in--in the name of Paul, and so forth, went down through those places; had to bless the river, to cross it, and so forth. What does the--the river need blessing? What's the matter with this church age that we're living in today? Can't you see it? God declaring it in the skies, declaring it in His Word, declaring it on the paper, declaring It amongst the people? Can't you open your eyes and see the hour? These are they that testify the Truth. This is the Light of the hour.
Watch the great ecumenical move, is going into this council up there now, just forming an image of the beast, in Revelation 17, exactly what it said it would do. You Pentecostal people going to sit still for that and go into it? The forcing hour has come. Now is the time to rise and trim your lamp, and shine with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the power.
COUNTDOWN BAKF.CA V-22 N-9 64-0209
132 The people today, the Laodicea Church Age, the last countdown. Did you see the other night, just before the pope of Rome made his first visit in all history, to Jerusalem? There never has been a pope in Jerusalem, sent, before. See? He went from Rome to Jerusalem. The church, the moon represents the church, reflecting the light of the sun, in its absence. God does the signs in the heavens, before He declares it on earth. Did you notice, the moon went to a complete blackout? Jerusalem is the oldest church in the world. See? And when this Ecumenical Council and these things that...
Man, I hope, if you're here, that this really goes through you. When you're joining yourself, don't you know you're taking the mark of the beast, my friend? "Oh," you say, "if I see it happening!" It's too late, then. You've done done it. See? It's too late at that time. Remember, they come to buy Oil, but there was... couldn't do it. Did you notice, what happened, what made that moon black out? The world got in the way of it. So has the world got in the Light of the Scripture, amongst the Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostals, and all of us. That's what the blackout's for.
8-3 And then how here the Holy Spirit giving me a vision, and seeing what would take place, I drawed on the blackboard two years ago (here it is up here on the drawing) that how that the Light was fading off of the earth, which would be exactly the way that the Light come on the earth as the Gospel, and how It would fade in and out. Not knowing it at the time, what it meant, and how it would be, but the great ecumenical world had a--a meeting with Rome.
And Rome, which is the mother of all organizations... The pope, for the first time in history, left the Vatican and went to Jerusalem and many places. Now, Jerusalem is the ancient seat of all of our religion, is Jerusalem. And in this ancient seat the pope from Rome, which has been the Church's greatest enemy all time, leaves to come over to visit Rome--or from Rome to Palestine, Jerusalem.
9-4 And all nature... And the moon is the--is the wife of the sun; it is a lesser light. And then also, that when the sun is gone, in the absence of the sun, the moon reflects the light to the earth, which is a type of the Church. And when the pope leaves, the ancient enemy of the Church, and comes over to the Jerusalem, which is the seat of the Church (which the new Jerusalem and the old Jerusalem), we notice, before it did it, there was a total blackout of the moon. And in the papers, across the nation as we have on the board, it displayed how that that moon turned from light to darkness. And the very phenomena of it, that--that moon drawed exactly in the skies the same thing the Holy Spirit had me to draw here two years ago, and showing the covering! The... When it went six pictures, I put the seventh on there, because the Seventh Church Age, just a shadow of light, the going of the... That's where Jesus, at the door knocking. But it goes into total darkness. And what a reflection, what a Message from God Himself, that these things are the Truth! Testified it first in His Word, then by the Spirit at the platform, and then declared it in the heavens.
ABC News
C A I R O, Egypt, Feb. 24, 2000— It is a truly historic first.
For the first time in the often bloody, 13-century history of the two religions, the leader of the world’s 1 billion Roman Catholics met today with the highest religious authority of the world’s 1 billion Sunni Muslims.
For the first time in the often bloody, 13-century history of the two religions, the leader of the world’s 1 billion Roman Catholics met today with the highest religious authority of the world’s 1 billion Sunni Muslims.
Decades of Preparation
This historic meeting was more than 25 years in the making. The Vatican has been holding low-visibility contacts with Muslims in various countries, beginning under Pope Paul VI several years before John Paul became head of the Roman Catholic church . The highlight of the Pope’s visit to Egypt, the first of two Middle Eastern tours in the footsteps of Moses and Jesus, comes on Saturday when he will pray at the base of Mount Sinai.
“Tomorrow I will make a pilgrimage to Mount Sinai, where Moses received the law, which now is in the hearts of men. God calls us to love,” he said.
This historic meeting was more than 25 years in the making. The Vatican has been holding low-visibility contacts with Muslims in various countries, beginning under Pope Paul VI several years before John Paul became head of the Roman Catholic church . The highlight of the Pope’s visit to Egypt, the first of two Middle Eastern tours in the footsteps of Moses and Jesus, comes on Saturday when he will pray at the base of Mount Sinai.
“Tomorrow I will make a pilgrimage to Mount Sinai, where Moses received the law, which now is in the hearts of men. God calls us to love,” he said.
The first visit of a Catholic pope to the Holy Land since 1964. Pope Paul IV had last visited the region in 1964, three decades before normalization.
ABC News
J E R U S A L E M, March 26, 2000— Pope John Paul II completed his pilgrimage in the Holy Land on solid spiritual footing as he made a highly touching, unscheduled return visit back to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for a final prayer.
On board the pope’s plane just after it took off from Ben Gurion Airport, Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Vals said the trip was a “great success.”
Asked what he thought was the key to the success of the trip, he said, “The pope told everyone the truth without humiliating anyone. He spoke with love. For example, the trip to Yad Vashem was a risk. The pope did not pronounce the word ‘pardon’ — [as in] the church asks pardon for [something]. He said what he truly felt, and this was respected.”
Before leaving, the pope prayed at Judaism’s holiest site, the Western Wall, and in an unprecedented gesture of reconciliation asked Jews to forgive centuries of Christian sins against their people.
The leader of the world’s 1 billion Roman Catholics walked with the aid of a cane to the wall, a remnant of the perimeter of the Jewish Second Temple destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D.
Standing a few feet from the massive stone wall, he read a printed and signed copy of a plea for forgiveness that he made at the Vatican earlier this month.
“We are deeply saddened by the behavior of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours to suffer and, asking your forgiveness, we wish to commit ourselves to genuine brotherhood with the people of the Covenant,” the plea read. The visit was the only time during the trip he had departed from his tightly-scripted schedule.
On board the pope’s plane just after it took off from Ben Gurion Airport, Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Vals said the trip was a “great success.”
Asked what he thought was the key to the success of the trip, he said, “The pope told everyone the truth without humiliating anyone. He spoke with love. For example, the trip to Yad Vashem was a risk. The pope did not pronounce the word ‘pardon’ — [as in] the church asks pardon for [something]. He said what he truly felt, and this was respected.”
Before leaving, the pope prayed at Judaism’s holiest site, the Western Wall, and in an unprecedented gesture of reconciliation asked Jews to forgive centuries of Christian sins against their people.
The leader of the world’s 1 billion Roman Catholics walked with the aid of a cane to the wall, a remnant of the perimeter of the Jewish Second Temple destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D.
Standing a few feet from the massive stone wall, he read a printed and signed copy of a plea for forgiveness that he made at the Vatican earlier this month.
“We are deeply saddened by the behavior of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours to suffer and, asking your forgiveness, we wish to commit ourselves to genuine brotherhood with the people of the Covenant,” the plea read. The visit was the only time during the trip he had departed from his tightly-scripted schedule.
RAPTURE.THE YUMA.AZ V-5 N-14 65-1204
60 Isn't it a strange thing that not long ago on the East Coast, the big blackout. They couldn't understand it. Texas blacked out last week. They can't understand it. Don't you realize that that's a sign? Don't you know the nations are breaking? Israel's in her homeland, and these signs are indicating that we are at the end! The same time it's blacking out, don't you know that's a sign that the prophet said that--"But there shall be Light about the evening time," that there will be a Light come forth in the evening time when the blackouts and things are going the way they are now. Look at just how it blacked out. The Pope just come over here. Remember at the tabernacle when them--you got tapes--I guess all of you take them--how that the Lord showed there that day in the tabernacle exactly where those Church Ages would be and how they would be. And I had them drawed out on the board up there, them Church Ages which you see here drawed out in the book. And if that Holy Spirit didn't come down in a big Pillar of Fire and went right back there on the wall and drawed them out Hisself while three or four hundred people setting looking at it. And just as the Pope started over here, the moon somehow blacked out, and they took the pictures, the same way that it was drawed up there on the platform. Now, he's made his trip over here on the 13th, walked 13 steps, served communion to 13, to a nation that's number 13, and blackouts coming everywhere. Don't you see where we're at? We're at the end time. "Scoffers shall rise in the last days, saying, `There's no difference in the time than what it was, than when our fathers fell asleep.'" But when you see these things begin to happen, raise up your head; get ready; something could happen at any time. Christ come for His church.
…instead of light it was the blackness of apostasy, and at the end of the age it had ceased to shine for darkness had taken over. Christ was now outside the church. Here is the sign in the sky. The last eclipse of the moon was a total eclipse. It waned to a total darkness in seven stages. In the seventh stage, the total darkness came as the Pope of Rome (Paul the Sixth) went to Palestine to make a holy tour of Jerusalem. He was the first pope to ever go to Jerusalem. …when he went to Jerusalem, the moon or the church went into total darkness. This is it. This is the end. This generation shall not pass away until all be fulfilled.
ABC News
Jan. 17, 2001
— After weeks of warnings, rolling blackouts became a reality for California residents when regulators ordered utility companies to turn off the power to thousands of people in parts of the state.
CNN U.S. News
January 17, 2001
Q: What happened?
The state ran out of electricity. California's Independent System Operator (ISO) ordered blackouts, beginning just before noon California time. The areas affected are serviced by Pacific Gas and Electric and range from Santa Cruz to the south, to north of San Francisco and across the bay to the East Bay communities…
Q: How long will the blackouts last?
Blackouts occur for about one to one 1/2 hour each. The neighborhoods darkened are widely scattered. The blocks where electricity is cut are clusters of electric circuits and are not necessarily geographic blocks. In all, PG&E will darken about 200,000 customers at a time in an effort to save the power grid from crashing.
BBC News
20 March, 2001
California orders statewide blackouts
With traffic lights not working, Californians directed cars by hand
California power officials, citing a severe shortage of electricity, have extended a series of rolling blackouts across the state to relieve strain on the grid. A second round of controlled power cuts on Monday evening followed outages earlier in the day which officials said were necessary because of dry weather and technical faults. They lasted longer and affected more of the state than a round of power cuts in January…

E-37 …prophecy, has a compound meaning. A prophecy sometime has a natural meaning. Then it has a spiritual meaning.
67 …Scripture has a compound meaning many times.
And how many knows the Scripture has a compound meaning to every prophecy?
E-15 All Scriptures has compound meaning; any student knows that …
Brother Branham taught the prophecy of Babylon in this end time had a compound meaning. He told us Catholicism seated in the Vatican at Rome was “Mystery Babylon” which will be destroyed by fire as described in Rev 18:8.
He also told us of another source of “confusion,” likened to Babylon. America was pointed out, with its reprobate religious systems, and particularly Los Angeles with its world wide Hollywood influence. Brother Branham dedicated entire sermons to “the handwriting was upon the wall,” and numerous times he pronounced they “had been weighed in the balance.” There is no question certain judgment is pending. America will be destroyed by atomic fire as prophesied in the Seventh Vision, and Los Angeles will be destroyed by a great earthquake, as she slides into the sea.
See Rev 18:21-23
47 If God doesn't judge this nation for its modern sin, He'll have to raise up Sodom and Gomorrah and apologize to them for destroying them. That's right.
We are bound for judgment. And these great wonders that you see our blessed Saviour doing, they are warning signs that judgment is at hand; and she combed this nation from side to side, from east to west, from north to south, and they spurn It, laugh at It, criticize It, write It up in their papers as nonsense. Think of it, modern Babylon.
E-36 "In the days when the Son of man shall reveal Himself from heaven..." He's revealing Himself now to the church for mercy. The next time He reveals Hisself is in destruction to those who's rejected the Message. God be merciful for--to us…
…There's not one thing, the science says, you hear it every day on the radio when they're--on the television, when they're interviewing these science. They say there's not a thing to hinder this world from being blowed up at any minute. It just takes a good drink of vodka, and they'll pull a lever, and that's it. Hurry. The message is urgent. Hurry, escape. Run for your life. Get out of it. Come out from this modern Babylon. Get away from the walls. Can't you feel something tugging at your heart? If you're real spiritual and God's speaking to you... Surely if He spoke to those little birds, He can speak to you.
213 Remember, the one down yonder in Bab--in Sodom tonight, giving them a message, a noble brother, Billy G-r-a-h-a-m, only six letters, G-r-a-h-a-m, (his was A-b-r-a-h-a-m), the messenger to the church nominal, blasting it out to them, exactly. And what did he? Only one miracle he done, smite them blind. And preaching the Word smites the unbeliever blind. Yes, he believed. Course, he believes this; but he was sent, he said, to those politicians, to smite them. And that's exactly right, so there he is down there in Babylon of the world, down there in the--in a modern Sodom, preaching to those denominations, pounding away. And the people are not even accepting it sincerely. The other night in Los Angeles, at the great rally, seen hundreds times hundreds come up to make decision. Young people coming up, teen-agers, punching one another, and chewing chewing gum, and pulling one another's hair, and acting, coming up to make a decision. No wonder it's a Babylon! No wonder it's a Sodom! The whole thing is ready to be burned.
E-32 They're trying... the world today is trying to laugh it off--America is a joke and know that our number's up. She's weighed in the balance and found wanting. If God Almighty doesn't tear this nation to pieces, He'll be obligated to Sodom and Gomorrah to raise her up and apologize for his burning her up. That's right. We are doomed. The whole world is doomed. She's falling apart, and there's no way of saving it. She's done sinned away her day of grace.
35-3 That's solemn warning. We don't know what time. And you don't know what time that this city one day is going to be laying out here in the bottom of this ocean.
"O, Capernaum," said Jesus, "thou who exalted into heaven will be brought down into hell, for if the mighty works had been done in Sodom and Gomorrah, it'd have been standing till this day." And Sodom and Gomorrah lays at the bottom of the Dead Sea, and Capernaum's in the bottom of the sea.
Thou city, who claims to be the city of the Angels, who's exalted yourself into heaven and sent all the dirty filthy things of fashions and things, till even the foreign countries come here to pick up our filth and send it away, with your fine churches and steeples, and so forth the way you do; remember, one day you'll be laying in the bottom of this sea. You're great honeycomb under you right now. The wrath of God is belching right beneath you.
How much longer He'll hold this sandbar hanging over that, when that ocean out yonder a mile deep will slide in there plumb back to the Salton Sea. It'll be worse than the last day of Pompeii. Repent, Los Angeles. Repent the rest of you and turn to God. The hour of His wrath is upon the earth. Flee while there's time to flee and come into Christ." Let us pray.
Dear God, when in my spirit is shaking, my heart is dropping teardrops of warning, grant, O God, that men and women will not think of what I've said as a joke, and the church people will not think of it as something that was prejudice or against them. May they see, Lord, it's in love. Thou barest me record, Almighty God, that up and down this coast I went, year after year, proclaiming Your Word. Bear me record, O God, if it would happen tonight, I've told the truth. Thou knowest this vision of the Bride is the truth. I've took Your Name by it, Lord, and said it was, THUS SAITH THE LORD, and I feel that I'm conscious, Lord, of what I'm doing. So I pray Thee, Lord, in Jesus' Name, let people shake themselves tonight and flee from the wrath that is to come, for the--Ichabod is wrote over the doors and over the nation. A black check mark is come across it; the Spirit of God is grieved away from it; and they're weighed in the balances and found wanting. The feast of King Nebuchadnezzar has repeated again with drunken parties and half-dressed women calling themselves Christians. (see: Gabriel’s Inst. p.7-8)
47 We are weighed in the balance and found wanting. We are near the end time. What would happen if... They, right in Moscow, could direct them missiles, guided by the stars and radar, could land that bomb exactly on Fourth Street in Louisville if they wanted to. That's right. And we can stand out there in the sea somewhere, on our ships, and direct one right straight on the capital of Moscow if we want to. What would happen, my brother, if that great missile turning would take place, and this country would receive a shake, at the same hour we'd turn loose the same things and shake it to the other side? And we're living on a little, bitty, tiny, thin crust, anyhow, when the earthquakes have eat around and eat around until it's like hollowing out an egg. If she'd make one big burst and this eight-thousand-miles-thick of lava would spurt into the air, it would do exactly what God said would take place.
E-100 And let me say this tonight, the very God that America claims they believe in will be the very God that will sink her beneath the sea. She'll burn like a eternal fire.
38-1 God Almighty, have mercy upon us, Lord. Have mercy on me. Have mercy upon us all. What good does it do, no matter what we do, if we fail in these things. I stand and ask for mercy, O God, before this great city sinks beneath the sea and judgments of God sweep this coast...
326 Look here! Do you know what the Lord says about Los Angeles and these places here? "She's gone!" You remember what I told you, about two years ago, how that earthquake would come in Canada, up here in Alaska? I also tell you that "Hollywood and Los Angeles is sliding into the ocean. California, you're doomed! Not only California; but you, world, you're doomed! church, unless you get right with God, you're doomed!" THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT!
210 How about the Alaskan earthquake? Watch Hollywood fall into the sea! Uh-huh, watch and see if it doesn't. He's never told me anything wrong yet, it'll do it. See? And just watch and see if we're not living in the closing hours of history.
HE.THAT.IS.IN.YOU JEFF.IN. V-6 N-12 63-1110E
48 There will be no national repentance; the nation is gone; just you individuals, and soon that'll be over if it isn't already. Now, you just mark that down, you young children. See how far Brother Branham (It ain't Brother Branham), that what I've said is right or wrong. Sin will get worse and worse until one day the skies will catch on fire; she'll fall to the earth and the earth will burn with fervent heat. But the redeemed won't be here then, they'll be gone.
18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.
19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.
20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

93 Now, And the woman which thou sawest is the great city, which reigns over all the kings of the earth. Now, there's not no need of pushing around; we know that is the Catholic hierarchy. There's no need of anybody... I--I believe that just as firm as I believe that I have receive the Holy Spirit. I believe that just as good as I believe that I'm a Christian standing here today, that that Catholic hierarchy is the--the... The Vatican city is the--the city that sets on the seven hills. The hierarchy of the church is the beast which was, which is not, and she's Babylon. It's everything pictured just exactly, just perfectly all the way through the Scriptures [Blank spot on tape--Ed.]... the Catholic church. Now, now here's your shocking point. You say, "Well, you ain't hitting me, Brother Branham." But let me just ask you something. Let's go right back now to the 5th verse. And upon her head was... written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF ABOMINATIONS,... (or)... THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. What was she? W-h-o-r-e. And she was a m-o-t-h-e-r. What? M-o-t-h-e-r, she had begotten something. A mother of sons? Of harlots. What is a harlot? Same thing as a--as a whore: immoral woman. What made her immoral? Her doctrine. She was pretending to be a Christian church, but was giving out manmade dogma.
216 What did this angel say, "Come out of her!" Yes, sir. This angel came to the earth, and he come to bring the Light, and he shined the Light around the world. He was a mighty angel. And he come to proclaim the message of "Come out of Babylon! Touch not her unclean things!" Got a whole cage full of them, said, "She's the cage of every hateful bird." Yeah, she got a cage full of them now, the World Council of Churches, or lodges. She's got the whole bunch caged up now, they're all coming together. She become a cage, all right, full of hateful birds. That's right. Try to talk to one of them one time, just try it, boy, smart in the world's wisdom, but know no more about God than a rabbit does about snowshoes. That's right. Just, that's just it (See?), just all they know is some wisdom they can put this and do that in there. But when it comes to knowing Him? Huh! Yeah, got caught in her cage with her dogmas. The Protestant churches begin the same, become her daughters, caused this by denying the Word of God. That she does. She denies the Word. And when you accept something else instead of the Word, you deny It yourself.
And when you join up in one of them, you've also denied the Word. God don't want you that way, no place of it for the Scripture. Notice, this is the Angel of Light, remember, the last Angel, it's the Angel in the church age to the Laodicea. It's the Laodicea messenger, that it's the last, because the very next chapter is the 19 chapter, which is the coming Bride. And this is in the Scripture, the last Angel that came to bring Light before the coming of the Bride to go meet Christ. It was the Laodicean Church Age then. What was the Laodicean Church Age messenger? Calling them out of Babylon! Look! Churches caught in her cage with her, with her dogmas, denying the Word and accepting dogmas. This is the Angel of Light to the Laodicean church that had rejected Christ and His Word for dogma and had put Him outside. And He stood at the door, knocking, trying to get in. See it? The church age had rejected the Christ, and Christ is the Word, and had rejected It, and He was on the outside. The only church age that we have of Christ on the outside, knocking, trying to get in. And this angel's Message, messenger come from God, was echoing his Message on the earth, to, "Come out of Babylon! Come out of the organizations!" The Holy Spirit today, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit is that angel trying to get the people back to the Word, 'cause the Holy Spirit will only vindicate the Word. It can't vindicate dogmas, there's no life in them. He's Life. Notice, the Laodicean Church Age had denied Him, rejected Him, and they put Him on the outside. Notice, this Angel is the last messenger before the coming of Christ in the 19th chapter of Revelation. The messenger's Voice, if we notice, when he gave his Voice on the earth, there was a Voice echoed again in Heaven: 4th verse, if you want to read it (All right.), 4th verse, the 19th chapter. This messenger on the earth was so inclined with God until, when he spoke it on the earth, God echoed the same thing out of Heaven. What is that 4th-verse translation? What does it mean? God's Voice speaking to His predestinated people, saying, "Come out of her!" Just exactly what the Voice was! He's got people all out in there, all out through Babylon. Come out of her, that you be not partakers of her sins, yes, sir, out of that dogma and creeds to the Word made Spirit and Life. Amen.
Notice, the 19th chapter is the next, "After these things." Did you notice here in the 19th chapter, "After these things"? Watch what? After what? After the Message of: Come out of her! "After these things (Watch.) is the shout of the Bride saints with the Bridegroom, going to the Marriage of the Lamb." How close are we then, brother?
What's the last call? Come out of Babylon!
203 He also said in the last days (amen!), the Light of the hour, crying in the wilderness of Babylon, "Come out of her My people, that you be not partakers of her sins. Touch not her unclean thing; get away from it. Flee from the wrath that is to come."
202 Notice, nothing in the Bible types the denominations but Babylon. And Babylon was founded by Nimrod, and Nimrod was a renegade. And he had a bunch of women in there, was supposed to be his queens, that was prophetess. They even think that old Balaam come from that section; they had roots and so forth they worshipped, you know (And many of you scholars that reading Hislop's "Two Babylons," and so forth, and the history of the church), and how they--they did. And they had women that done this, and women, of goddess, and everything, and it was a forced religion. Everybody, every city around Babylon was compelled to come to Babylon to worship under Nimrod at the tower. See? That's right. They were forced to do it, to Babel. There's where the confusion come. And that's exactly what the church is today, "If you don't attend Sunday school, if you don't do this, and have to hire you to do this and do this and do that; you're out of the picture." Out there in Tucson is listening in this morning; I once wondered... I've always constraining people, "Go to church, no matter where you go." And I seen the people kind of pulling back, and going this way. And I thought, "What's the matter?"I went to some of them. "The first day you're there, they'll approach you: `Join our church.' If you don't do it, you're not welcome." See, see? It's a forced thing; it's forced upon you (See?), and that's Babylon. But in Christ, you come in by election, not by force; your heart pulls you in.
55 We put Christ's Name upon a building, call it the churches of "Christ," and this, that, or the other. That doesn't make it so. That doesn't do it, at all. But when God puts His Name in something, that's what does it. Now, there is nothing in the Bible that would type our modern organizations, except Babylon. That's the only type in the Bible of our modern organization, organized religion, because it was founded by Nimrod and a forced unity amongst religious people.
And that's what the creeds and our denominations do today, force unity, "You either belong to this or you're out!" And we're coming now, as we can see, to a forcing all into one great unity of it. But that is a mechanical made advice by a
man, and it cannot stand. It is not God's will.
It is not God's program, no matter how people try to say it is. It is not. It can't be. It's just impossible for it to be. God wouldn't put His Name in such a thing as that that denies His Word. How can God live in something that denies His Own Word?
31-5 See, that's what Eve took. She was pregnated with that kind of a pregnation. That's what the church is today by Bible schools and intellectuals, and look, everyone disagreeing with the other. A big mess of just exactly what the Bible said: Babylon. The Bride knows where She stands. She's very few. There won't be many saved. Just a very, very, very few.
The third vision was in the realm of world politics for it showed me that there would be three great ISMS, Facism, Nazism, Communism, but that the first two would be swallowed up into the third. The voice admonished, "WATCH RUSSIA, WATCH RUSSIA. Keep your eye on the King of the North."
38 Sometimes, today, we curse Communism and all these things. Which, I guess, it deserves it. But if you only knew the truth, it's working exactly in God's hand, to do just exactly what He said it would do. He's got to raise up something to take Babylon off the earth, and He's got the instrument in His hands. You just read the Scripture, it's written right there what He said He would do.
134 And remember, I say this as God's prophet: The Russian empire will drop an atomic bomb of some sort on the Vatican City and destroy it in one hour. THUS SAITH THE LORD.
And the Bible said that God took them cruel-hearted men and put them in His hands, and they were instruments in His hands to fulfill His will, and to bring back to her exactly what she had coming to her.
E-29 When God sends a gift to the people and they recognize it, it's always a golden age. But when they refuse it, there's nothing left but a chaos for that generation. Now, listen closely. If God had sent the Holy Spirit in this age for a sign, and we reject It, there's nothing left but a destruction. But if we refuse it, we'll sure to be blowed off the earth. The atomic bombs are hanging ready now, each one afraid to pull the trigger.
But someday, they'll have too much vodka and press the trigger. And when that--that bomb passes through that radar, sound... When it goes through there, there'll be others go the other way. And you know what will take place? The world can't stand it. And the Gospel's been preached, and Christ is being made manifested to the people, just before the rapture of the taking away of the Church. Before that can happen, the Church will be gone.
E-45 The people didn't know what was the matter. Said, "Look at the birds, by swarms, leaving the walls going away. They won't roost that night. They don't come back. They leave and don't return. The sheep won't even come around the fences; they stand out there against one another, and the cattle." That earthquake come and shook those walls down. Then the birds come back. It was a sign the earthquake was over. Brother, the same God that could lead the sheep, and the birds to the ark in the days of the antediluvian destruction, is that same God, today, Who can... And if God can speak to a bird to flee from danger, "Get away from these big walls of Babylon of unbelief; there's coming a shaking time." The Holy Spirit showing signs and wonders of the destruction at hand. Look, it could happen at any time. There's not one thing left. The coming of the Lord is at hand. We see in the hangars of Russia and all the different worlds, bombs and things that would destroy the complete world in one snap. The world could not stand it. And before that takes place, the Church is going to glory. Remember, before any rain ever fell, Noah was in the ark safety. Before any fire ever fell, the Angel said to Lot, "Get thee hence. Get out of here, 'cause I can do nothing until you've gone hence, got away from here." Church going out before the destruction comes, and the scientific world says, "It's three minutes until midnight." The clock's ticked away all the time. Eternity is fixing to set in.
2 Peter 3:11-12
Titus 2:13
Matthew 24:44-45
Hebrews 9:28
Luke 12:34-37
Luke 21:34-36
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